Flexible solution for complete indoor installation
indoor split
If outdoor installation is not possible and space is limited by existing plant rooms, this is the solution. The split design of the unit allows easy handling and great flexibility of the existing plant room layout. All the advantages of the EasyMaster are retained.

Free quotation available within 48 hours.
Reduce your energy bills by up to 75%
There is no doubt that the costs of energy and fuel will increase at a similar pace as in recent years.
As energy prices increases, the heat pump running costs would only rise marginally.
Comfort at your fingertips
All MasterTherm heat pumps can be connected to the Internet. Users have the ability to control and monitor units fromt he Web, iPad or mobile phone (android or iOS).
The heat pump is monitored and data on heating is regularly scanned by installer, distributor and manufacturer.
Ultra quiet
New style DC fan ensures minimal noise disruption
7 years warranty
The robust and reliable design allows for an industry leading 7 year warranty
Maximum comfort
Internet module allows for remote control of all units via iOS, Android or any other web enabled device

100% Czech production
Product development and production
Inverter technology
Inverter drive available up to 22kW with electronic expansion valve increasing appliance lifespan
Record savings
Thanks to inverter technology, MasterTherm heat pumps can offer additional savings compared to alternative heat pumps on the UK market

Intelligent optimisation
The heat pump will match the demand of the building, never providing higher temperatures than required thus operating with maximum efficiency.
Electronic expansion valve
Electronically controlled expansion valve (EEV) allows seamless control of the refrigerent circuit. Increases heat pump efficiency (COP), operational reliability and lifetime of the appliance.

Desuperheater option can be fitted to provide high temperature, yet efficient domestic hot water.
Inverter technology
Inverter technology allows the heat pump to continually regulate the output between 30-100% matching the demand of the building.

Free quotation available within 48 hours.